
First - Alexander's conquest of Egypt:

 Extended period Greek in Egypt's history for nearly three centuries, having succeeded Alexander the Macedonian in the defeat of the Persians in Asia Minor conquered Egypt in 332 BC. M. and expelled the Persians, where he became a road open to Egypt after the fall of Gaza in the hands of Alexander, was able to open Egypt with great ease, and became Egypt after he seized Memphis completely in his grip.

Not due speed completed by Alexander's conquest of Egypt to the military superiority over the Persians only .. But also due to his help Egypt, they were in constant revolt against the occupiers Persians and the Greeks in their friends and allies long as Aonohm the stolen Estradad liberty as they saw in Alexander savior and Mnjadda them from colonialism obnoxious.

Has impressed civilization of Egypt ancient Alexander, who began a policy closer to the Egyptians trying to satisfy their sense of national and religious, Vahterm gods of Egypt and gave her offerings did not stop this, so the trip to the oasis of Siwa, where he visited the Temple of Amun, and there are granted priests the title "son of Amon" also ordered through his establishment of the city of Alexandria.

After Alexander the security reign in Egypt and administrative affairs systems went to the heart of Asia to complete his plan to eliminate the Persian Empire. The incursion in the Asian continent until he reached India, but he died in 323 BC and was third in the thirty-year-old in the city of Babylon, which is on his way back to his country.

 Alexander sought to blend Eastern civilizations Greek civilizations:

The takeover of Alexander on Syria, Egypt, Iraq and other countries the ancient Near East more than just control of military and military expansion, since these regions were Her ancient civilizations grew and flourished throughout the ages and benefiting Greeks addition to that of Alexander himself showed his admiration for them and respect them, and began the clear in Egypt in particular.

The thought of Alexander in the formation of a new civilization combine the advantages of civilizations Eastern ancient and Greek civilization emerging To achieve this, work on opening the doors of the Middle wide in front of the Greeks to stay out, and set up some new cities al axanderah in Egypt and others to become centers for the growth of these new civilization and is working to publish in Everywhere, that civilization has been named new Hellenistic behalf.

The civilization flourished Hellenistic in Egypt because they were found fertile ground for growth in a manner not seen in the land of the Greeks themselves because they reported from the civilizations of our country honored as they were found established systems and the wealth of human and material great, as well as its unique center of the civilized world at that time, was Egypt so as a factory that manufactured the new civilization and the city of Alexandria became the optimal model, including rumored that civilization on the rest of the world, and kept our ancestors components of this civilization for hundreds of years.

Alexander did not live long to realize his hopes in the construction of that civilization, and left to his successors in Egypt bring hope.

Secondly - the establishment of the state of the Ptolemies:

Divided the empire of Alexander after his death after suffering fever in Babylon between the commanders of the three, was Egypt's share of the commander Ptolemy, Syria and Iraq share leader Celeoks, either Macedonia went to the commander Antijohns has succeeded Ptolemy and Celeoks in the establishment of two independent states two state Ptolemies in Egypt and the State Sulaioukah in Syria, wisdom Slalathma from beyond bladders three centuries, the Ptolemaic dynasty has taken the capital city of Alexandria and the headquarters of the judgment, has also taken state Sulaioukah city of Antioch in northern Syria as its capital.

Was Ptolemy commander in the army of Alexander, grew up with him in the palace of his father Philip of Macedon and raise him since childhood and became a close friend of his, was marked by Ptolemy activity and its ability and courage, was filled with history of the Ptolemies and Sulaioukaan wars between them Vbatalmh trying to control Syria and Alceleogiwn turn oppose ambitions Ptolemaic and responding to So the desire to seize Egypt, has weakened those wars, both countries which helped the nascent Roman state in destruction of the Sulaioukah state first and then the destruction of the State of the Ptolemies and the seizure of Egypt in 31 BC. at the end of the rule of Queen Cleopatra VII last Ptolemaic rulers.

 1 - Create the city of Alexandria and prosperity:

The foundations of Alexander the Great a new city called the city of Alexandria before leaving from Egypt to be the main center of civilization Hellenistic in the ancient world have chosen a place on the bar dry, which separates the Mediterranean from Lake Mariot, and it seems that he chose that spot to dry and then for deposits of the River Nile (Rosetta) and ease the delivery of drinking water, as well as to the relative height of the level of Lands North Delta island located in the bridge encountered within walking distance of the beach claims the island of Pharos, and then it has become the new city result Mrcan the ships .. One east and the other west (and no city of Alexandria now two ports: the eastern port and harbor west used in the present time docking) has been entrusted Alexander to one of the engineers Greeks planning city Votmh in the form of streets straight intersecting also divided the city into several neighborhoods and was among royal quarter Inspiration Rhacotis ( District National) inspired the port has completed Ptolemy I build the city of Alexandria, according to the planning of Alexander, is also interested in the kings of the Ptolemaic following in this city, and they took the capital of their country, they built their mansions, plant and planted gardens and delivered the reference Nile water fresh through the canal Shedia which was branched into many channels within the city and collects water in special tanks in different districts, and has become the city of Alexandria since the reign of Ptolemy II's greatest cities of the ancient world as they were good in the era of the modern state Pharaonic remains the effects of Alexandria remaining pronounce including language that city of progress and prosperity of our neighborhood that, and the city of Alexandria, the functions of multiple as it was the capital of the country and a center of government and administration throughout the Ptolemaic period, which lasted for nearly three hundred years. It was also function as economic flourished many industries to become the most important industrial cities of Egypt. It also became Meeting point trade coming from the ancient world and the largest center for the exchange of foreign trade and was at the top tasks of the city important cultural as originated by the university and the library, theater and other cultural facilities, which played a major role in radiation culture in the ancient world, especially in the fields of literature, science, arts, and finally it was her importance of the military and set up defensive towers and gates impregnable. Ourse fleet also provided strong about it and all of Egypt ..

Thirdly - the Ptolemies policy in Egypt:

Follow Ptolemy Alexander and walked policy steps approach. The wish to expand the scope of their kingdom as they did to spread Greek culture and mix sailors of ancient Egypt. And then they tried to get everything you can get it from the country's wealth and resources enabling them to form an army and fleet strong succeeded in the annexation of Nubia, Libya and Palestine to Egypt, and to impose their control over many of the islands of the Mediterranean basin east, as well as the work of the Ptolemies to lay on the rules of some aspects of Greek civilization and the advancement of new Hellenistic civilization.

It was the Ptolemaic Greeks living in habit and tradition, was the most Greek-style buildings, but they tried to imitate the ancient Egyptian style and blending between the models as they were statues mixture of Greek art and ancient Egyptian art. And displays the Greco-Roman Museum in Alexandria wonderful models of the art of that era .. Represented in sculptures in the forefront of statues known statues Tnjarh and verses from the engraving, painting and arts and knew Egypt in the Ptolemaic era language Greek which was considered an official language and spoken by communities, Greek and was the language of bureaucracy and installations scientific and cultural city of Alexandria but the Egyptians continued throughout that era speak and write in ancient Egyptian and was natural that happens mutual influence between the two languages ​​in some wordy metaphor of one and the prevalence of use in the other.

The Ptolemies work closer to the Egyptians retained most of the administrative aspects of the organization behind them Pharaohs with minor modifications necessitated by the circumstances. Did not try to intervene in the affairs of the Egyptian civil or habit or traditions or ways out of their lives to earn their love has been retained as usual, including Egyptians and inherited from Abihm the ancestors of the manifestations of the ancient Egyptian civilization was not of Greek civilization for them only rarely.

Men have found one of the French campaign on Egypt in the late eighteenth century stone without attic text from the Ptolemaic era three lines: hieroglyph line and the Greek line, and the line demotiqy. This has helped stone known as the Rosetta Stone and the currently displayed in the British Museum in London to solve the hieroglyphic symbols.

The awareness of Alexander and the Ptolemies after him, the lesson of the vertex Egyptians of the Persians when insulted their gods, it has proved the Egyptians on the strength of their religious faith revolution to them and to all of the impact himself acting against those beliefs and has therefore followed the policy toward the Egyptian civilization in general and Religion Egyptian particular involving full respect Vtsabqgua in carrying titles old property and represented themselves in formal occasions dressed in uniforms of the Pharaohs, and offered sacrifices to the gods of Egypt and gave her gifts and have set up temples and structures on the pharaonic style also repaired them and worked on the decoration and add some accessories to it, and photographed themselves on the walls and in accordance with the traditions of Pharaonic also worked to reconcile the two religions and tried, for example, consolidation of great gods Zeus and Amun, a large Egyptian gods.

We have reached influenced by the Greeks in that era Egyptian religion .. That became the doctrine of God Isis cult common in the land of the Greeks themselves, and then mixing Greek Religion Egyptian religion through a new idol they called Serapis had set him Serapeum Temple in the city of Alexandria

2 - interest in ancient Egyptian temples:

The temples of the ancient Egyptian-style care of the Ptolemies to be set up and expand or renew has characterized all magnitude and beauty of the carvings and magnificence pillars and statues. Among the most famous of these temples of Edfu temple is built stately wonderful devoted to the worship of the god Horus. The fullest save the temples of the Ptolemaic era, but of all the temples of Egypt.

It also set up Dandara toward the huge city of Qena current and which was devoted to the worship of God Hator goddess of motherhood, love and beauty the ancient Egyptians .. Not standing still mocked Boamdth a huge and wonderful designs & Integrated
بمرفقاتة. The island of Philae Temple Months religious buildings dating back to the Ptolemaic era. The cult of Isis cult occupied pride of place there and around a range of other ancient Egyptian gods Isis cult remained standing in that spot to a short time after the introduction of Christianity to the fate marked the temples of Philae as the beauty of nature around .. I've even called pearl Egypt.

This has resulted in the construction of the High Dam has become an island of Philae sandwiched between the old Aswan Dam in the north and the High Dam in the south, due to the fluctuation of the water level around the island up and down as a result of the process of generating electricity which affects the safety of the island premises .. It was decided to transfer its ancient buildings adjacent to another island not Bzbzbat affected water is located at a higher level than the island of Philae. Has been a great success save elephants effects and longer process to save the temples of Nubia threatened by the waters of the High Dam and in the forefront of Abu Simbel and Philae temple the largest and the largest cultural operation the world has seen.

It is also to save the monuments of Nubia, who won success as a result of Egypt's keenness on maintaining the heritage Altaaricha and with the cooperation of the whole world - the greatest, such as in the history of mankind for International Cooperation cultural - and the right of every Egyptian I am proud of and proud of what is left for us ancestors of the heritage traces impress the world and its originality and splendor ago ancient times and still surprising and admiration a cause of appreciation to date.

3 - create new cities:

Follow the basic Ptolemy Alexander the Great in the construction of new cities to the large numbers of Greeks who migrated to Egypt and lived there has been stained those sympathetically Greek cities .. Was spoken by the Greek as it had taken the names of Greek, and the spread between the boundaries fields, theaters, stadiums, bathrooms and other facilities that provide residents with types of Aelchenat the social and cultural development.

We have already mentioned that the city of Alexandria became the capital of the civilized world at the time. It was the royal palace in Alexandria, the greatest in the opinion of the world at that time. The City nukrates oldest cities Greek and founded Family Days twenty-sixth Pharaonic (seventh century BC) has diminished its commercial importance after the founding of the city of Alexandria and her daughter at the same time prospered industrially, as it has retained its culture Greco and gave birth to a number of senior Arts and Sciences.

Has established Ptolemy first City Btalmis the the Upper Egypt near the city of Sohag current to be a center of Greek civilization. Engineers have plans on the pattern of Alexandria, but was left of the old landmarks little thing now.

4 - the economic situation:

Ptolemaic care much attention to economic aspects and sought to develop the state's resources to achieve the ambitions and interests of foreign interior. Ama was reflected interest on all production facilities, particularly in relation to agriculture, industry and trade.

 - Agriculture:

When it came the Greeks to Egypt and they found an agricultural country mainly first and is characterized by fertile soil rich, and the River Nile renewed vitality every year during the flood, people relied on agriculture in economic life gaining experience have been increasing over the years, and the land is flat and wide, especially in the Delta they kept on promoting agriculture, building bridges and dug canals and admitted use of Sakia and mandolins rushed to the Egyptians to take advantage of them alongside sweep used by the ancient Egyptians were the most important crops AGRO are wheat, barley, lentils, beans, flax, fruit and vegetables but that prosperity did not last long .. Since the end of the era of Ptolemy III appeared deficiency in an area of ​​cultivated land, as well as in livestock and in the population of the villages, so that the financial system that followed the Ptolemaic including required of heavy taxes may heavier priest farmers, prompting them to leave the farmland and neglect and inaction in the performance of their work, but sometimes to the wealth against the rulers, the Ptolemies has made a major effort to reform the way, but they have been unable to stem the tide of losses that is the economics of the country, including agriculture, into the gutter.

B - Industrial:

Ensured the nature of Egypt and the abundance of agricultural raw materials, metal and stone, and the large number of people who excelled many of them pedestrians in handicrafts since ancient times has led to the prosperity of many industries in the Ptolemaic era industries such as papyrus and linen fabrics and Nilotic and oils, wine, pottery, glass, wood, leather and other which Egypt has been issued to the various countries of the ancient world.

The Ptolemaic created a lot of factories to provide livelihoods for expatriates from the land of the Greeks and worked to increase production and improve quality even consistent with the taste of consumers, whether inside or outside the country. Thus, the Ptolemies succeeded in exploit Egyptians skill and talents of the Greeks in the upgrading of industry as to what he has done research scientists and inventions House of scientific research (university) in Alexandria has increased the offering of Industrial and upgraded. The Ptolemaic monopolized some of these industries and oversaw the production, marketing and selling others.

He gave Ptolemaic kings top three activate Industrial Vhassanoa some industries that mastered the Egyptians and tried painted sympathetically Greek filled with markets, the country's Middle East tools are made on the basis of Egyptian but influenced by nature Greek like Alawanme pottery, glass, metal and found many of them in many places, especially in the basin and the islands of the sea average.

The results of the booming industry in the cities that many of the people have fled the countryside to them, was Alexandria in the forefront of cities crowded with large numbers of workers and craftsmen. The owners of each profession and
خرفة congregate in certain neighborhoods and constitute trade unions gathered them together. It has been estimated the number of workers who were in the factories of Alexandria at the time, including at least 200,000 workers.

Thus, the industry flourished in the first period of the reign of the Ptolemies, but that the deterioration of agriculture since the late reign of Ptolemy III, who followed the custody of the deterioration of the industry and failed efforts to stop the deterioration in industry and Try it promoted again.

C - Trade:

Helped agricultural and industrial activity on the vogue of Foreign Trade and cared by the Ptolemies great interest.

This has encouraged them to Egypt's geographical location in the heart of the ancient world and the commercial aspects Greeks fondness They established ports on the Mediterranean coastline and red and Oqamoaalmassana for shipbuilding and built lighthouses to guide them and staged Customs Affairs and Squaw currency to facilitate trade. He arrived trade to India and China in the east to Spain in the west to the middle of Africa to the south and to some parts of Europe to the north.

But greed the Ptolemies and Mbalgthm in the taxation and then losing a lot of foreign property and that they represent a viable market for the disposal of their goods may eventually led to the deterioration of the trade, along the lines of agriculture and industry in the last period of their rule.

The fact is that the conflict between the Ptolemies and Alsoliqian which began since the family of each of them in Egypt and Syria after the death of Alexander was not a political conflict, but was the result of competitive commercial has tried each control of the important trade routes that were linking the east of the hand and between the sea on the other hand .

Currency has played an important role in the Ptolemaic booming trade and used by the Greeks and Persians as a means of commercial exchange a few centuries ago and thanks to Alexander and his successors, the Ptolemies in the instrument currency began to spread slowly and has not eliminated entirely barter system. The the Ptolemaic Thelatth currency types and most valuable gold coin was followed by silver Valbrunzih and were
تصك all in Alexandria and displays Museum in Cairo and Alexandria several models of the Ptolemaic currency.

5_ Egypt's political situation:

Egypt remained in the period between the years (31 BC). And year (395 m) of the State Romania and adopted the Rome to consolidate its authority on Egypt's military force that built them barracks across the country, there was a garrison east of Alexandria and protector of Babylon and protector of Aswan and other garrisons that has spread across the country.

And he was the rule of Egypt and motivate the emperor on his behalf and was the headquarters of Alexandria dominates the management of the country and its finances and is responsible to the emperor directly and the duration of his term short so as not to resign, and this is what makes the governors do not care about the interests of the country, but poured their interests on their personal interests and denied Egyptians to participate in the management of their country, leaving them in a strange position where, in addition to prevent them from joining the army so as not to motivate them to collect their ranks and resist the Romans in the future.

Faced with this unjust policy has seen the Egyptians to the Romans rapist else take the judgment of a rapist first Ptolemaic they, the situation has changed nothing, but it increased with bad as it usually happens when the transfer of power from the Pharaonic Dynasty to Pharaonic other.

The bowed Egyptians of this provision period and revolted in periods were garrisons Romanian eliminate these revolutions all violence is the most serious of these revolutions is what happened during the reign of emperor (Marcus Aurelius) _180 m) and knew war transplant or war Bakoulih _ relative to the region in the North Delta _ and managed to Egyptians defeat Romania difference and almost Alexandria to fall in the hands of the rebels nor the arrival of the Romans supply of Syria ruled on this revolution.


Raavaa - Revolution in the late Ptolemaic era:

Can not find a solution after attempts by Ptolemy VIII to pacify the country, it after his death in 116 BC. Remained the country suffer the same what ails was in during his lifetime of injustice, as a result of the conflict on the job.

Has erupted this conflict first between Cleopatra III and Cleopatra II until the death of the last in late 116, and secondly between Cleopatra III and her eldest son Ptolemy IX Soter II, who forced the people of Alexandria to be involved with them in power rather than her son, her favorite Ptolemy Alexander and ended up expelling Sutter II ( In 107 BC)., and he went to Cyprus to prepare for Estradad throne, and the third between Cleopatra III and her son Ptolemy Alexander, who was not luckier than his brother with his mother, has been designed to capture all the authorities, sparking hatred and hatred between them and their supporters that died Cleopatra (in 101 BC). sentenced alone that the expulsion of the people of Alexandria (89 BC.) and died the following year.

And then recovered Sutter second throne remained being handled until he died (in 80 BC). After the death of Sutter II sat on the throne of Ptolemy Olits (Piper) until the year 51 BC., And was Piper king trivial spilled water face and squandered the wealth of his kingdom in buying recognition Romans by king and an ally.

When the whip Rome on Cyprus last property Egypt's foreign nag people Alexandria great indignation, and about the inability to calm Thaer his subjects, he went to Rome (in 58 BC). To attack them, and after an absence that lasted more than two years, he returned to Egypt (in 55 BC. m) in the protection of the Jabenius Brigades, the Roman governor of Syria, in exchange for a bribe great, Vantqm of his opponents evil revenge, and appointed the largest creditors financed Roman Rabirius, the finance minister, Vaatsr taxpayers to some extent sparked anger on him and King Piper.

In 51 BC. M. died Piper hated people and despised by the Romans after disagreements family witnessed by the beginning of the rule Cleoabatra seventh, gained Egypt for a short period political significance great was like awakening death, as Rome was not soon be annexed to the empire in 30 BC. m.

1 - Revolution in the reign of Ptolemy VIII:

About the poor conditions that swept the country, the government was forced to grant some privileges for different classes of the population of the country (the priests, soldiers and land owners who turned out to reclaim abandoned land), but these privileges although they have amended the economic system developed by the Ptolemies early to ease the supervision of the government on the activity of individual economic , they did not Ttsta stem the tide of deterioration, and did not rob them of fatigue, the government of the people, but it kept complained and are looking to do a new revolution.

Have allowed them to conditions of Ptolemy VIII, which was full of conflict, prisoners of war and turmoil, and despite the fact that the new king traced the impact of his predecessors and issued at the beginning of his decision to pardon at least one, the tranquility did not Tsttb in the country, as stated in the documents of resisting police in Fayoum the activity of groups of farmers fleeing from their land, prompting priests to complain of them and seize the opportunity to support the rights seems to be Ptolemy VIII had given them at the beginning of his reign, in response to a complaint of some priests issued a new resolution the face of all the management staff and workers of Finance.

As stated in this decision that, should not be compromised resources temples, but the one any reason to collect these resources with the exception of the appointed priests for this purpose, and must force the laggards to perform their obligations owed by them to temples regularly, in order to get the priests on all their resources complete nor
يعوقهم Nothing to do their religious obligations, and if workers priests are the ones who are collecting all resources temples under approved by Ptolemy VIII, this rise as evidence that the government is no longer, at least officially since about the middle of the second century manages lands temples, and this is a big win for the priests did not succeed deduced from the clutches of the Ptolemies, but as a result of تقلقل status and the weakness of their power.

In the year 131 BC. M. gave Alexandria badge to start the revolution, in that year forced Cleopatra II and supporters king to flee from Alexandria,
فالتجأ to Cyprus, but his absence from Egypt did not exceed a few months, though it did not succeed in recovering Alexandria itself before August in 127 BC . AD.

According to some historians, that Egypt suggested the issuance of this dispute and split two teams, and it was in favor of Cleopatra II at least part of the Greeks as well as Jews and the side of the army, while he supported Ptolemy VIII rest of the army, and many Egyptians or possibly the majority, led by priests, and that this civil war was a combination of family dispute and nationalist revolution and therefore the country fell into disarray.

 We believe that this civil war was really a combination of prisoners of war and conflict nationalist revolution, and that nationwide violent chaos persistently ancients in describing the atrocities and horrors.

The explanation is that it was Cleopatra second party comprises the bulk of the Greeks of Egypt and Almtagrgin and other opponents of the priests of Amun, therefore, the situation was normal for the majority of Egyptians is against this party cure for Galil hate the Greeks and Haddenhm of Egyptians, Fbdoa as if they advocate Ptolemy VIII, if at all seems that the Egyptians seized the opportunity weakness of the government to express their feelings about what they were suppressed they suffer from exhaustion and injustice.

While taken the wrath of the Egyptians in the Lower and Middle Egypt form of industrial action, taken in Upper Egypt form of fighting between towns and villages with each other, they were each recognized only Ptolemy VIII king legitimate, and others, recognized only Bcleopetra second.

Did not lead the return of Ptolemy VIII to Alexandria in 127 BC. M., and held peace between him and Cleopatra II in 124 to the end of the revolutions in the country, and when he did not stop force alone in the elimination of turmoil and revolutions, the Ptolemy VIII tried to put an end to this issue decision or series of decisions to address the root causes that led to this situation and the consequences of them.

Nothing is more indicative hardship of the working classes and the poor condition that usually bury the children have gradually moved from the Greeks to the Egyptians in general, and rampant among the working classes in particular, and all they did was they tried to protect those Altaasin of Gore government employees abusers, it has remained growers King, and the craftsmen and professionals and various crafts tool in the hands of the government to supply the king its resources, without the economic freedom only a very limited premium.

The government has tried various ways to convince the working classes that their role in life is limited to the Resource Service King by them works
, was naturally not accept millions of farmers and craftsmen and workers for their enthusiasm and activity, although they demonstrated the participation of the government its ideas.

Therefore often neglected agriculture and Trajua in repairing bridges and clearing channels and do their jobs in factories and shops, and farmers often do not provide all their harvest studied oily or all of the plant for its age.

As a result of this spirit and labor shortages, due to absence from work and revolutions, far-reaching consequences in the areas of agriculture, industry, and since the government, as is the custom Taakhz staff on it and require them to activity in watching over their resources, the staff about their responsibility to the material and personal by the government were pressuring turn on their subordinates and those on public classes.

In order to help government employees to see their work, launched their hands of each entry and gave them a broad jurisdiction in financial matters, employees use the authorities granted to them by and parents Erhqgua, until it seemed that the staff were the source of all the evil that people endured.

Has tried to Ptolemy VIII and other Ptolemaic curb appetites staff to no avail because the central authority is no longer able to carry out its laws and orders, and promotes evidence that the case of the working classes have not improved in the last second century and the beginning of the first century, although misconduct staff was fascist.

In the face of poor economic and social conditions and the corruption of staff gained a grant temples of great importance, the right to the protection of refugees who did not enjoy doing during the reign of Ptolemy the first few large temples, and was added to the right sometimes right of exemption from taxes and Almassariv-ins, and if the Ptolemies early may were keen to gradually restrict the right granted to the temples to protect the refugees, it whenever weakness Ptolemies and increased the influence of the clergy as well as the influence of staff and Abthm, priests insisted on increased demand that the government respect and support this right granted to some of the temples.

The most important manifestation of this right is (not to allow priests to enter the temples, but for people who regard them as desirable in them), so they were put in prominent places in the temples plates bearing the phrase "not allowed in people who do not like them in the temple," was the priests insist that No one has the right to forcibly enter the temples to attack or priests who took refuge temples, or to get them out of the temples.

Not intended priests the right to the protection of refugees to the temples against the existing laws and regulations, but anti-tamper personnel, Georhm and also the face of the entry of some parents forcibly temples.

B - the revolution in era Velomattur:

When Abefnss died in eighth and twenty years old, ascended the throne again toddler, Egypt suffered greatly during his reign greed and corruption guardians of their rule, and the conflict between Ptolemy VI Velomattur, his little brother, who later known as Ptolemy Iorgtis the second.

And Dionysius Btoserabis may try to exploit this conflict to achieve the hopes that were simmering in the hearts of the Egyptians long ago, and the statement that this leader, who was a position significantly to the palace and enjoys considerable influence among Egyptians and played excellent in the war against Antiochus and publicized his fame hostilities between people , wanted in 195/164 to get rid of the two kings of the two brothers one after the other, a sense of Thoughts people of Alexandria against Ptolemy VI Velomattur, even if it was him that apparently mobilized national parents against Ptolemy small.

Velomattur was a disappointment upon his brother's reconciliation plan, withdrew Dionysius Aliusas, suburb of Alexandria, which was surrounded by 4,000 soldiers Maybe they were all from the Egyptians, and when he pounced them Velomattur and defeated them, Dionysius managed to escape and ignite the flames of revolution in the country.

Velomattur took himself suppression of the revolution with the help of a large force, and could easily put out in a good area with the exception of the city of pano police (the current city of Akhmim), which resisted violent resistance, as it seems to be difficult to reach due to height helped the rebels to sit out, the king did not reach it only After a severe siege, and then punished the rebels and then returned to Alexandria.

It should be noted that the revolution has also focused this time in one of the strongholds of the worship of Amun, as happened in the revolution era Velopatur, attention has been demonstrating Velomattur to protect the southern border to help the Nubians to Egyptians in their revolt.

A large number of Egyptians took part in the revolution and perished in the battles many, or executed after extinguishing the revolution, or remained hidden in the deserts, swamps, and the result of that lack of manpower in all parts of the country, and the owner of that too few cattle, and therefore affected by agriculture to some extent far without a doubt also affected by industry and commerce.

But agriculture has meant foremost government to provide food of the country's population and it was a main source of government, and what did not is futile Astasrakh the mettle Mutaiseren to salvage the situation, it was decided to force everyone to contribute to the cultivation of abandoned land.

Did not meet this resolution purpose of it, one hand taking staff Infdhunh actively gm but without thinking, that they interpreted the word "everyone" literally, on the other hand seems to be the rich and powerful were able to get rid of the burden of bribing officials and the exploitation of their influence, and he signed all the burden or more on Altaasin of those who have no influence them no money Hristimanm the from the scourge staff.

Since the majority of farmers in the King of the poor and the Egyptian soldiers in particular, the situation was accurate, and in particular that the number of Egyptian soldiers who were granted land has increased rapidly since the era of Velopatur, and they have the status of an important role in the army after the signed Rafah, and a number of them had a camp in Alexandria as a guard special to the king, and about the burden thrown on their shoulders filed a petition to the king, who feared he and his advisers consequence of it, hasten to send instructions to subordinates to raise Play inflicted on soldiers, the Egyptians and the layers of the population world in general and Egyptians in particular, was flustered on subordinates to Gbautem, it did not mean "Everyone" every individual, but all who are able to bear the burden.

Instructed they involve forcing Mutaiseren layer of land owners to cultivate abandoned land, and when he was forced lead without doubt to fatigue, the members of that class tried course to get rid of the consequences imposed on them, and the tricks to achieve it was dropping the ranks of that layer excellent layer, military men, and therefore the government has taken action precludes it.

He was forced weapon dangerous, and some people are trying to avoid others Ikablonh complaints bitter strike and the abandonment of their home, which was helping to ignite the flames of revolution, so the government was not resorting always him, or was trying to ease burden, decrease the lease or grant some concessions to farmers to meet the reclamation of abandoned land fallow, and the pardon of the rent for ten years, or five, and then impose a higher rent for a certain period, and then get the full rent. If the result was satisfactory in some cases, where the land was returned to the same past, they were not generally well because it did not put an end to steadily increase the area of ​​arable land is that the government does not afflict them any income.

It was annoying as well as a lack of government resources were pushing tax-abiding, and they used every means legal and illegal in the absorption of blood.

That some Egyptian soldiers were loyal to the king, while Subscribe others in the revolution against him, and demonstrates the success of the Ptolemies in subjecting revolutions Egyptian that if many of the Egyptian soldiers were involved in these revolutions, the most loyal to the Btalma, and it seems that the Egyptian priests may split also between the king angry and loyal to him.

The elimination of the revolution did not put an end to the unrest in Egypt, so it is almost Velomattur back from Rome after he scored a political victory on his little brother, even declared in 163 amnesty includes all those who were hiding or were accused of involvement in the revolution, and even though it did not restored calm and security in the country.

 6_ religious situation:

Leave the Romans to the Egyptians freedom of religion, and treated them in this area being soft, did not interfere Oihdoa of freedom of belief, it was Egypt, like other States turkeys condemns religion pagan, remained Egyptians enjoy this freedom that emerged Christianity in Palestine, and Egypt has been at the forefront of the country, which was leaked to Christianity in the middle of the first century AD, at the hands of St (Mark) to the proximity of Palestine.

And take this religion spreads in Alexandria and Lower Egypt and then gradually spread across Egypt during second century AD Vthart the Roman pagans concerns, and poured agony Saba on the Egyptians, who converted to Christianity, pagan and left the official state religion.

And taking persecution image organization in the reign of Emperor Severus (193_211 m) and then hit Dhirutealgosoy in the reign of Emperor Dakkaldjnos (284_305 AD) has wanted this emperor that puts his subjects into divinity, in order to ensure his life and his property, Faqaovernm Christians in it, have resorted to torture, Vsamad Egyptians her persecution strongly and tenacity gave him a recipe of nationalism, and Egypt made for the sake of ideology large numbers of martyrs, which carry the Coptic Church in Egypt to launch the era of the Emperor (the era of martyrs).

Failed persecution means to stop the spread of Christianity that pervaded all the land of Egypt.

Methods have softened when he admitted persecution of Emperor Constantine I: (306_337) Christianity we have allowed in the state like the rest of other religions.

Prince issued Theodosius I (378_395) in the year 381 AD, a decree making Christianity the official religion of the state's only all over the empire.

And took persecutions, and ways to torture focused accordingly on the pagans after it had been coming in on the Christians, and Christians continued spread the faith by the same force which tried to extinguish the pagan roots supporters Christianity.

In spite of that Christianity became the official religion of the emperor, not blessed with Egypt this decree the occurrence of disagreement and controversy in the nature of Christ _ peace be upon him _ and reached the conflict than between the Church of Alexandria, which calls for human nature of Christ, and the Church of Rome argument Batabiatan one human and the other divine the Lord Jesus Christ.

And so Egyptians exposure to torment colors to embrace a doctrine contrary to the doctrine of the empire.

7_ Marital status:

The Egyptian community in that era live in the worst days where power and management functions in the hands of the Romans, and Egyptians are deprived even of the enjoyment of wealth of their country, to impose heavy taxes multi them, as well as depriving them from participating in the military, making them live
like visitors it, and if it arrives each to the position of religious we find persecution focus on those religious leaders, which led a large team of them to flee his faith to monasteries and caves scattered across Egypt and took usually the Hermitage, which took her about Jews, grew the number of monasteries accordingly and many number of members who have given themselves the right to exemption from job unpaid and other , Oshz some of these Vahtervoa the robbery and looting.

On this I say Egyptian society in this period was two layers:

1_ layer Romans: They Almnamon the Almerfhon urban living and enjoy the wealth of the country.

2_ Egyptians layer: the laboring class living in the trouble and misery.

V. - the city of Alexandria installations that immortalized date:

in Alexandria city  several economic and cultural establishments immortalized by history, despite the loss of most of its attractions now. The famous Ptolemaic city of Alexandria in particular in three facilities: the lighthouse and House of scientific research (university) and the library.

- Lighthouse:

Lighthouse of Alexandria built on the eastern entrance to the port and in the southern part of the island of Pharos, where no castle Qay tbay now. The objective was to set up guiding ships coming to Alexandria as had its light Leary on fifty kilometers from the beach by a mirror was used in dimmable for far Masavat. Has been considered one of the wonders of the ancient world.

This lighthouse was constructed in the era of Ptolemy II around 280 BC. M-shaped tower reached a height of about 135 meters and used in the construction of limestone as
حليت columns of granite, marble and Bhaliat of bronze and was based consisted of three floors: the first floor square in shape and the second octagonal The third floor was a cylindrical surmounted by a lamp covered dome a height of eight meters , held above a huge statue of bronze reached a height of seven meters is likely that he was the god of the Sea for the Greeks.

The lighthouse remained functioning in pilotage even after opening the Amr ibn al-Aas to Egypt in 641 AD. And then rolled by the disaster.

In 700 AD. Destruction of the first and second floors stood Ahmed Ibn Tulun in 880 AD. Renovating the building. Then replaced another disaster in 1100. Gther earthquake, leaving them only floor box shape to another earthquake that happened in the fourteenth century came on the rest of the building and destroyed it completely destroyed

Who built it on a chair made of glass in the form of cancer in the middle of the sea and on the tip of the tongue which is in the Offshore and make the highest statues of copper and others, including the statue has pointed Besbapth of his right hand toward the sun, wherever they are out of the ark, and if the sun is high pointed to it and if dropped the hand refers to the bottom and there is another statue indicates his hand into the sea if became the enemy in a night of Alexandria If approached the enemy became possible seen by the eye, this statue screaming voice enormous could be heard from a distance of three miles feels people of the city that the enemy had approached them Vijrjoa to war .. And another statue with such strangeness as ever of the day or night hours, it beeps and clear sound different from the previous hour and a beautiful voice and has a Classic

One of the incidents remember on rum attempts to get rid of this lighthouse that threaten their incomes Egypt and seizing them .. That story that revolves for one of the kings of rum when one of his followers sent to Walid bin Abdul Malik bin Marwan «.. This came the Astamn's 'newborn' and told him that the king of the Romans wanted to kill him, and then he wants to Islam at the hands of 'newborn' .. Of course, he is convinced 'newborn' and its proximity to his council, and heard his advice .. Especially that this man has extract Dfaún and the country's many treasures of Damascus, Syria and other books was with him the recipes for the extraction of those treasures .. And then increased greed »Waleed« and Hrahth even told him a server O faithful that here is money and jewels and Dfaún for kings buried under the Lighthouse of Alexandria He has buried Alexander after seizing them from Shaddad ibn returned and the kings of Egypt and built a tunnel under the ground by the arches and vaults built above all, the lighthouse .. And the length of the lighthouse and then arm A large mirror above.

So the newborn to send an army of loyal soldiers and with this server «shrewd and destroyed half of the lighthouse from the top and removed the mirror .. Vhaj people have learned they are scheming Roman .. After being cleared 'server' plan has escaped into the sea at night by boat prepared for it before.

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