Katatni: Our party is the best in the world .. and the opposition fears the ballot box

egypt news, egypt

Dr. Saad Katatni, head of Freedom and Justice Party, head of parliament dissolved, that his party is no party like him in the world, and that within a few months ran for Parliament and received a majority, and fought the Shura Council elections and won a majority, and after four months received the boss Presidency and got his men to clarify and explain the Constitution and with the political forces that fought to end the transitional phase, came during a mass Party Congress in the province of Kafr el-Sheikh on Thursday evening.

He said Katatni The opposition does not want to leave the President and does not believe it is mistaken, because the opponents put in front of obstacles through enterprise deep and the judiciary, especially the Constitutional Court, also resided suits resolve the Shura Council and the Constitutional Assembly and seek to return us back to square one.

He Katatni, "the president issued a constitutional declaration was necessary to preserve the institution-building and to complete the process of democratization, but they used a system of violence and mobilized thugs of some political forces, to overthrow the president-elect, allegedly of them that if he fell will consist of a presidential council, and declared it to be a conflict between the legitimate, This purpose failed because the Egyptian people legitimacy and fever since the moment the option of violence is limited.

He said Katatni: started using other means to fight the President of talk about the economic problem, and attacking the media, the judiciary, he said, adding, "They distort the image to erode the legitimacy of the Muslim Brotherhood, they do not want to reach for the Fund because access to him reveals their potential, they do not want access to him and we are seeking the help of the national forces noble to push towards the end of this transitional phase. "

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