آخر الأخبار

The anniversary of the death of leader Abdul Nasser

nasser, egypt, egyption news Look farewell from the streets of Egypt on the first of October since 42 years a man of the bravest and best men , the leader of the Arab nation commander President Gamal Abdel Nasser in the funeral of a majestic did not witness history like, after he passed away after a heart attack raided six o'clock on September 28, 1970 Omar nearly 52 years of which he spent 18 years in the presidency of Egypt , where he witnessed the funeral screaming and crying for millions of Egyptians and Arabs , who came from various countries to attend the funeral .

Born Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussain Sultan Ali Abdul Nabi - the second heads of Egypt - January 15, 1918, and took over from the year 1954 , after President Mohamed Naguib , to his death in 1970 , and graduated from the Military Academy in 1938 and joined the battalion's third rifles , and was transferred to the " Manqabad " Assiut ; , where he met Anwar Sadat and Zakaria Mohiuddin , then moved to Alexandria in 1939 and there Learn Abdel Hakim Amer , who had come out in the next installment of its military College , and in 1942 he was transferred to the camp of El Alamein , and soon to transfer to Sudan , along with Aamir , and when he returned from Sudan, he was appointed a military academy teacher , and joined the Faculty Staff war ; فالتقى during his colleagues who founded them , " free officers organization ."

The Abdel Nasser of a leader of a revolution July 23, 1952 , which was the most important results of dislocation King Farouk from power , and the start of a new era of civility in Egypt and attention to Arab nationalism , which included a short period of unity between Egypt and Syria between the years 1958 and 1961, and known on behalf of the United Arab Republic .
Abdel Nasser encouraged the number of revolutions in the Arab countries and a number of other countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, also had a leading role and instrumental in the establishment of the Palestinian Liberation Organization in 1964 and the International Non-Aligned Movement .

Abdel Nasser is considered one of the most important political figures of the twentieth century , which had a major impact in the global political track , and knew about Abdel Nasser nationality and belonging to the Arab world , and became his political doctrine named after his name is " thought of Nazareth ."

Among the most important achievements of the leader Abdel Nasser : nationalization of the Suez Canal and the establishment of the High Dam on the Nile River , creating Lake Nasser, the nationalization of private banks and foreign companies operating in Egypt , the laws of agrarian reform and identify agricultural property under which became peasants of Egypt have for the first time the land on which they are planted and work it was determine the properties feudal two hundred acres , create Egyptian television in 1960, the agreement Galaa with Britain in 1954 , under which was evident last British troops from the Suez Canal and the whole of Egypt in the eighteenth of June 1956, at Cairo Stadium Sports in Nasr City (Stade Nasser previously ) , the establishment of the Nile Corniche , the establishment of the Cairo Tower , the establishment of the Cairo international Book Fair, the expansion of free education at all stages , the creation of more than 3,600 factory.

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