Launched a massive march of lawyers and staff of the Public Prosecution Courts Complex camp, after the Asr prayer, Abdel Hay Khalil mosque to demand the fall of the regime and the departure of Mohamed Morsi.
The march went from the front of the mosque through the sea Street to join the demonstrators Barns Square, cheers demand the overthrow of President and the Muslim Brotherhood.
- Main
- Ancient Egypt
- _ Old kingdom To Dynasty (10)
- __old kingdom 2649 - 2150
- __Dynasty 3
- __Dynasty 4
- __Dynasty 5
- __Dynasty 6
- __First Intermediate Period
- __Dynasty 8–Dynasty 10
- _Dynasty 11 To Dynasty 20
- __Dynasty 11 (first half)
- __Middle Kingdom
- __Dynasty 11 (second half)
- __Dynasty 12
- __Dynasty 13
- __Second Intermediate Period
- __Dynasty 14–16
- __Dynasty 17
- __New Kingdom
- __Dynasty 18
- __Dynasty 19
- __Dynasty 20
- _Hight Priests (HP) of Amun
- _Third Intermediate Period
- _Dynasty 21 To Dynasty 30
- __Dynasty 21
- __Dynasty 22
- __Dynasty 23
- __Dynasty 24
- __Late Period
- __Dynasty 25 (Nubian)
- __Dynasty 26 (Saite)
- __Dynasty 27 (Persian)
- __Dynasty 28
- __Dynasty 29
- __Dynasty 30
- Coptic era
- Roman era
- Greco era
- Islamic era
- Ottoman era