آخر الأخبار

Mubarak under house arrest at a military hospital today


A statement issued by the Council of Ministers , yesterday, «It is in the context of the state of emergency issued Vice military ruler is put Mr. Mohamed Hosni Mubarak under house arrest .
The North Cairo Court , ordered yesterday the release of the former President , on the issue of « Gifts Ahram » , another corruption case Mubarak was detained pending issue up , which blew a state of anger among the youth of the revolution who took responsibility for the decision to the Muslim Brotherhood and its alliance with the military council , for not agreeing to a revolutionary trials of former President and symbols of his regime.

The room advise the Court in its ruling that there was no justification for the imprisonment of Mubarak backed up on the case , because it paid 18 million pounds, the value of gifts Ahram obtained, as it is the only trapped at the disposal of the case, which was evacuated for several of the defendants in the same case after pay the value of the gifts received.
Informed sources revealed that Mubarak was willing to go to the International Medical Center Ismailia Road , but the unique Deeb advised him to « military Maadi » , but pointed out that Mubarak earlier from his right as president and a member of the armed forces received treatment in Maadi military .

For its part, expressed the political forces and revolutionary non- surprise of the release of Mubarak, because it seems natural due to the non-arrival of the revolution to power, and the complicity of the military council with the Muslim Brotherhood to surrender power, in exchange for not pressing to conduct trials of a revolutionary after the fall of the Mubarak regime , and stressed at the same time their commitment to roadmap revolution through June 30 , for the application of the laws of transitional justice and guarantee real trials for all who participated in the corruption of political life , whether in the Mubarak regime or the isolated regime . He described a number of party leaders put Mubarak 's decision under house arrest Hakim because triumph of popular will of angry court's decision to release the former president , and respects the judgment at the same time , which can not comment on it.

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