آخر الأخبار

Army ready for a military operation against the perpetrators of «massacre Rafah second»

egypt news Security sources said that the armed forces poised to carry out a military operation against the perpetrators « massacre in Rafah second » , which resulted in the deaths of 25 recruits , and injuring two , after the identification of the perpetrators and places of hiding , noting that the Apache helicopters strafed the area of ​​Sheikh Zuid , flying at a low level for more than an hour to monitor the situation on the ground extensively.

The sources added that the security forces were able to identify areas where the terrorists hiding , and that a major military operation will be carried out during the hours of involving the armed forces and the police Apache aircraft and military tanks and armored vehicles , under the supervision of the commander of the Second Army Field currently located in northern Sinai .
There were violent clashes yesterday afternoon between gunmen ambushed a security area farm east of El-Arish in northern Sinai at the entrance eastern transit beards . Witnesses said he was a heavy exchange of fire between the two sides , after hearing the sound of a huge explosion near the ambush .

A security source confirmed that the shell « R . Pei . Ji » fell perimeter Office Military Intelligence Arish , on the first evening , and caused a bang and did not result in casualties and did not identify the source of the missile launch . On the other hand , security forces carried out raids town of El Arish to the number of houses yesterday morning the farm entrance of the village area long , and arrested a number of suspects were transported to Cairo for interrogation. The funeral of tens of thousands in the provinces, yesterday evening and yesterday , the funerals of the martyrs of the massacre of Rafah, the second , which claimed the lives of 25 martyrs of recruits Central Security , 21 of whom were sons of Menoufia, and the martyrs of Qaliubiya, and one from each of the Kafr Al-Shaikh , eastern , and turned villages of martyrs to marquees consolation open since parents aware of the incident , until the arrival of the bodies of martyrs and Funeral it to the final resting place .

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